Situated within the trough of the Great Rift Valley, Mago National Park is just east of the Omo River at a distance of 790 Km from Addis and the park headquarter is 115Km from Murelle. The South Omo town of Jinka, a mere 34Km away from the park is a relatively good base from which to explore the park since it has somewhat average lodging facilities.
The park, known to shelter 76 large mammal species, 237 bird species, 14 fish species and 4 species of amphibians, is crisscrossed by three rivers which sustain the animals and plants residing within. Some of the animals you will most likely encounter at Mago National Park include Elephants, Buffalo, Waterbuck, Warthog, Leopard, Cheetah, Gerenuk, Jackals, Lions and many more. Bird watchers can catch glimpses of Wattled Ibis, Thick-billed Raven, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill and Secretary bird among others. Mago National Park, apart from its wildlife is famous among visitors for the Mursi villages.