The picturesque capital of the Amhara region, Bahir Dar, has for too long lived in the shadow of its more renowned neighbor, Gondar, but it has now started to get the recognition and attention it deserves as the historic and vital city linking the Lake Tana region to the rest of the country. The 560 Km road linking Addis Abeba to Bahir Dar is one of the best in the country and can be traversed in a day by car or by coach (Selam or Sky Bus) but you can also fly there with Ethiopian Airlines which has daily flights to the city.
The southern shore of Lake Tana, upon which the city perches, was a political center for the entire country during and after the decline of the Zagwe dynasty up until the rise of Gondar after the 14th century. The area was also the main battle ground during the religious wars of the early 1500’s owing to its strategic location and relatively bountiful natural resources.