What to Wear

Light clothing is sufficient most of the year, similar to what you might wear on a warm European summer (though not so scanty not to offend local sensibilities), but it is advisable to carry some warm clothing, such as a light jacket, as temperatures drop at nighttime, especially from October through December, as well as […]

Social Norms

A handshake greeting is normal, but a limp wrist may be offered instead of a hand if the hand is dirty or wet. Kissing each cheek is traditionally done to show a hearty welcome, but simply nudging right shoulder together is more common, nowadays. The public display of certain emotions is regarded to be in […]

Entrance Fees

These are charged at most museums, national parks, historical sites and churches, but they will generally be included in the price of an organized tour. If you need to pay yourself, fees are generally quite moderate by international standards, though the church fees can add up over the course of a trip to somewhere such […]

Food and Drink

Food : Contrary to some people’s expectation, Ethiopia is liberally endowed with good eateries, though the vast majority of restaurants outside of Addis Abeba adhere strictly to the cuisine, which is quite unlike that of any other African Country, eating out in Ethiopia is ridiculously cheap, with local meals in remote areas costing less than or […]

Ethiopian Phrases

Learn a few words of Amharic (Amarignya). Unlike the Latin alphabet, the vowels in Amharic are contained in the 7 forms of each of the main characters of the Amharic script, which can make learning written Amharic difficult. But, here are a few words that can go a long way during any stay in Ethiopia. […]

Trekking and Camping

Trekking is the most popular type of adventure tourism in Ethiopia, and it’s no wonder. Simien Mountains National Park and World Heritage Site is not only one of the most spectacular places to trek in Africa but also one of the most spectacular in the world. It is the crown of the Ethiopia Highlands, which […]

Simien Mountains National Park

If there is time, even just two days if traveling by air, don’t miss this place. It is often compared favorably with the Grand Canyon or even the Himalayas, its main attribute being an escarpment. Even though a road follows this mega cliff for much of the way, a trail follows much closer, sometimes perilously […]

Bale Mountains National Park

The cold, windswept Sanetti Plateau is the largest contiguous afroalpine area in the world. It is an otherworldly scene. If the planet Mars were to be terraformed, it might look something like the Sanetti Plateau – volcanic, cold, and treeless, except for some strange-looking giant lobelias. The scene is brushed with lots of silvers, blues, […]

Gheralta Mountains

The Gheralta Mountains are a great place for combining hiking and history. Most of the hikes are day hikes or shorter and lead to Ethiopian Orthodox Church monasteries. Many of the trails go up steep inclines, often necessitating switchbacks, as many of the monasteries are built in somewhat inaccessible places atop rocky buttes for protection […]


Fentalé is a volcano in the hot, lowland environment of Awash National Park in Afar Regional State. The park is a great place to get out of the cold during the rainy season and it is not far from Addis Abeba. There are a lot of safari animals, primates, and birds to see here. Fentalé […]

Erta Ale

This is the longest continuously active volcano in the world, after Stromboli in Italy and Mauna Kea in Hawaii. It is located in the hottest place on earth measured by average temperature. The mountain rises from below sea level in the Danakil Depression to 613m above sea level. Staring into the abyss conjures up images […]

East Langano Nature Reserve

On the other end of the moisture spectrum is the East Langano Nature Reserve, a lush forest where the hot, heavy air of the Rift Valley gets forced upwards by the Bale Massif. With most rain coming from the Atlantic, orographic precipitation occurs as the air mass is pushed uphill, often releasing the first raindrops […]


Deep in Southern Ethiopia is Strawberry Fields Eco Lodge in Karat Konso, a restaurant, farm, eco lodge, and permaculture design training center. Strawberry Fields offers guided treks of the Konso Cultural Landscape UNESCO World Heritage Site and beyond. The climate is sunnier than many parts of Ethiopia, which also means less rain, hence the terraced […]


Zuqualla is an imposing sight that rises hundreds of meters out of the Great Rift Valley, and dominates the horizon when driving between the rift and Addis Abeba, no matter which of the three routes is taken. Most people who climb the mountain are locals who do so for religious and spiritual reasons, as there […]


As the oldest park in Africa, Menagesha is just a stone’s throw from Addis Abeba. The park dates back to the reign of Emperor Zera Ya’eqob, from 1434 to 1468, when he originally designated it a crown forest. Its name was changed a few years ago from Menagesha-Suba Forest Development Centre to the Finfine Forest […]